Friday, March 28, 2008

Conference Season

Being that conference season is fast upon us here we were hoping some of our readers out there (and I know we have some....gotta love those sitemeters) would be willing to post comments on their conference experiences and advice. I think it can be challenging to try and decide what conference would benefit you the most and what you should absolutely do when you get to said conference.

So in April I will be heading out to Jasper for the Alberta Library Conference. I think its important to attend provicial conferences for the excellent local networking experiences. It builds strong relationships between institutions and the people you meet there can be excellent source of information and advice throughout your career. I am also going to the CLA conference in Vancouver in May. I think this conference is a great venue to explore issues profession wide. You are able to meet people from across the country and you have your pick of sessions on such a variety of topics. I would absolutely recommend everyone attend the First Timers Breakfast as it is the ideal way to start out your conference experience.

So what about the rest of you?

1 comment:

Angelique Mandeville said...

Hey Leeanne! I'm conferencing in three great places this spring. I'll be joining you in Jasper for the Alberta Library Conference. Can't wait! I'm attending this conference as a public library board trustee. Have I mentioned that I'm vice-chair of our local public library? Many hats, many hats! And then I'm off to Vancouver for CLA. This will be my 4th CLA annual conference. I'm really looking forward to the First Timers' Breakfast and of course, the session that the NLIP interest group is organizing. And then it's off to Las Vegas for LOEX of the West. Phew. Which reminds me - I've got to get my passport!